
Is it possible to use NIO to process the stdout from a Process? I have it working with, but this is something of an exercise to learn a bit more about NIO and to explore the possibility of performance improvements.

Basically I want to stream a large volume of text from stdout into a buffer as fast as possible without blocking, and then process the contents of that buffer later. The trouble is, I can't seem to figure out the right voodoo to make it work with NIO. This is where I am right now:

ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder( ... );
Process p = pb.start();
stdout = new StreamConsumer(p.getInputStream());
new Thread(stdout).start();
// other stuff omitted for brevity

The class StreamConsumer looks like this:

class StreamConsumer implements Runnable
  private InputStream is;

  public StreamConsumer(InputStream is)
  { = is;

  public void run()
      ReadableByteChannel source = Channels.newChannel(is);

      // Is it possible get a channel to a ByteBuffer 
      // or MappedByteBuffer here?
      WritableByteChannel destination = ??;
      ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(128 * 1024);

      while ( != -1)
        while (buffer.hasRemaining())

    catch (IOException e)
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Believe it or not, I think the writable byte channel you want is

ByteArrayOutputStream ostream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(<some large number>);
WritableByteChannel destination = Channels.newChannel(ostream);

Then when done


contains the bytes to process. Or, if you want a byte buffer,


I don't see here how you get the output outside the runnable, but I suspect your original code had that. Otherwise you might want the StreamConsumer to be a Callable<ByteBuffer>.


I have created an open source library that allows non-blocking I/O between java and your child processes. The library provides an event-driven callback model. It depends on the JNA library to use platform-specific native APIs, such as epoll on Linux, kqueue/kevent on MacOS X, or IO Completion Ports on Windows.

The project is called NuProcess and can be found here:

you might want the StreamConsumer to be a Callable.

Another non blocking option to try might be to use Guava's ListenableFuture giving you success and failure callbacks without interpreting errors of your own.

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