
Both Clang and GCC can check printf-style functions for mismatches between their format strings and their arguments. For example, they'll complain about statements like this:

printf("Hello, %s!\n");

Does anything similar exist for Boost.Format? In other words, are there any compiler switches, static analysis tools, etc. that can warn about code like

std::string s1 = str(boost::format("Hello, %s!"));


std::string s2 = str(boost::format("Hello, %s!") % "John" % "Doe");
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Looks like it is not supported A ticket has been created on boost as well to track it. You may want to pick up trunk version if you really need it.


It is not possible in Boost Format but the {fmt} formatting library which is similar in spirit but uses Python-like format string syntax provides compile-time checks.

For example:

#include <fmt/format.h>

std::string s = format(FMT_STRING("{2}"), 42);

gives a compile-time error because the format string refers to argument 2 which was not provided.

Disclaimer: I'm the author of {fmt}

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