
Here is my logging signature

public static void Debug(string message,Exception exception = null,object model = null,object userId = null,[CallerMemberName] string memberName = "",params object[] formatParams)

and I am trying to use it say like

Logger.Debug("My message: {0} {1}", formatParams:1,2)

How can i do this? I cannot find it on the net, I hope this is possible. I tried an anon type but didnt work.

Logger.Debug("My message: {0} {1}", formatParams: new{1,2})

Resolution: I ended up using the example below. I was getting different errors with any other syntax so wanted to make sure this was saved here.

Logger.Debug("My message: {0} {1} {2}", formatParams: new object[] { 1, "string", 123.12m });

Edit: My issue I was having ended up being related to a dynamic being passed in the formatParams, I fixed this by casting it to the type it actually was before logging it.

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Yes, you can. You just have to call it with an array like this:

Logger.Debug("My message: {0} {1}", formatParams: new object[] { 1, 2 });

For a single parameter, this isn't necessary, you can just use:

Logger.Debug("My message: {0}", formatParams: 1);

Note that in many cases, you can also use an implicitly typed array:

Logger.Debug("My message: {0} {1}", formatParams: new[] { 1, 2 });

However, this will pass an array of objects which contains a single array of integers. The parameter value would look actually like this:

new object[] { new int[] { 1, 2 } }
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