
i would like to ask how can i make a php script which echoes the id of the data stored in a database repeat itself after specific time for example after 2 minutes.i don't want to use a cron job or another scheduler.Just php or javascript implemantation.Thanks in advance..

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I've done similar with this script. While the user is on the page, it runs scriptToRun.php every 2 minutes.

function changeFeedAddress() {
        type: 'get',
            url: 'scriptToRun.php',
            success: function(txt) {
                // do something with the new RSS feed ID here

setInterval(changeFeedAddress,120000); //   2 MINUTES


Alternate to @JMC Creative (Self-contained for example's sake):

  // check if the $.post below is calling this script
  if (isset($_POST['ajax']))
    // $data = /*Retrieve the id in the database*/;

    // ---vvvv---remove---vvvv---
    // Example Data for test purposes
    $data = rand(1,9999);
    // End Example Data
    // ---^^^^---remove---^^^^---

    // output the new ID to the page so the $.post can see it
    echo $data;
    exit; // and stop processing
    <title>Demo Update</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        // assign a timeout for this script
        var timeout = 2 * 60000; // 2 minutes

        // create a function we can call over and over to fetch the ID
        function updateDBValue(){
          // call this same script and retrieve an "id from the database" (see top of page)
          $.post('<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>',{ajax:true},function(data){
            // 'data' now contains the new ID. For example's sake, place the value
            // in to an input field (as shown below)

            // set a timer to re-call this function again

        // call the function initially
  <body style="text-align:center;">
    <div style="margin: 0 auto;border:1px solid #000;display:block;width:150px;height:50px;">
      DB Value:<br />
      <input type="text" id="db-value" style="text-align:center;" />

Why not just do this?

header('refresh: 600; url=');

//script here

If your generating your ID at random from within the script...this will work fine. The page will refresh itself every 10 minutes.

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