
In my HotTowel based project, I'm using Durandal 1.1.1 for routing.

I have a login route, which I want to activate if the user is not logged in.

my route config is like:

var routes = [ {
    url: 'login',
    moduleId: 'viewmodels/login',
    name: 'Login',
    visible: true,
    caption: 'Login'
    url: 'moduledetail/:id',
    moduleId: 'viewmodels/moduledetail',
    name: 'ModuleDetail',
    visible: true,
    caption: 'ModuleDetail'

I want if user want to go #/moduledetail/1 and is not authenticated yet, the browser navigate to route #/login/moduledetail/1 so after successful login route back to the #/moduledetail/1.

A possible solution is to put a navigateTo in canActivate of moduledetail like:

function canActivate()
    if (!loggedIn)
    return false;

But navigating to another page during canActivate seems so foolish.

Is there any method to tell Durandal that while routing, on this condition use this route?

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In Durandal 2.0, this is achieved using router.guardRoute:

auth = require('auth');
router.guardRoute = function(model, route) {
    return auth.loggedIn() || '#/login';

From what I've read, though undocumented the behavior works the same in Durandal 1.x. Guard route is a function called after the viewModel is loaded but before activate is called on the view model. If true, routing proceeds. If a string, the router tries to navigate to the route associated with that string.

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