
I am currently working on a stacked bar chart, and I'm having a problem with the axis labels. The labels look fine at first blush, but I noticed that there is not always a tick at the top of the Y axis. I've pasted a picture below.

Graph showing no ticks above 120,000

As you can see, there are no ticks above 120,000 even though there is a bar that clearly goes beyond that value. I realize that the axis is creating ticks at regular intervals, but is there a way to force the last tick value to be the max value of the scale? If not, would a better solution be to draw an extra line/label after everything is said and done at the top of the scale?

The code for my scale and axis are below:

var max = d3.max(data, function(d) { return d.red_value + d.blue_value; } );

var labelScaleY = d3.scale.linear()
                    .domain([0, max])
                    .rangeRound([svg_height-40, 0]);

   .attr("class", "y_axis")
   .attr("transform", "translate(60,20)");

                                "y1":function(d){ return labelScaleY(d);},
                                "y2":function(d){ return labelScaleY(d);},
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