
I have some HTML that I'm generating using JS on the client side. I'd still like to apply the style and functionality of jQuery Mobile UI to those objects as well. I can't seem to figure out how though...

Say I generate a:

<div data-role="fieldcontain">
    <label for="select-choice-1" class="select">Choose shipping method:</label>
    <select name="select-choice-1" id="select-choice-1">
        <option value="standard">Standard: 7 day</option>
        <option value="rush">Rush: 3 days</option>
        <option value="express">Express: next day</option>
        <option value="overnight">Overnight</option>

And want to render it via jQuery Mobile UI inside a page... how would one do that?

I know with standard jQuery UI I'd just have to make a call along the lines of:


Is there something like this for jQuery Mobile UI?

Was it helpful?



Yeah! The new implementation with event just landed!

Now in beta2 there will be a create event that triggered on an element will cause its rendering.

I will update the faq when beta2 ships.

Find the topmost element you add to DOM and call .page() on it. This question in fact duplicates a lot of other questions tagged jquery-mobile, therefore I created a shot tutorial not to describe it again every time.

See first post here:


If called upon pagecreate


you go for a recursive loop ride. I wrote my own enhance() function to take care of this issue.


The function is basically just condensed the code below...

function enhance(dis){
    dis.find( "[type='radio'], [type='checkbox']" ).checkboxradio();
    dis.find( "button, [type='button'], [type='submit'], [type='reset'], [type='image']" ).not( ".ui-nojs" ).button();
    dis.find( "input, textarea" ).not( "[type='radio'], [type='checkbox'], button, [type='button'], [type='submit'], [type='reset'], [type='image']" ).textinput();
    dis.find( "input, select" ).filter( "[data-role='slider'], [data-type='range']" ).slider();
    dis.find( "select:not([data-role='slider'])" ).selectmenu();

Older Post:

After digging around the jQuery mobile file I finally figured it out... quite easy actually...


And here's the chunk of code I dug this up in...

_enchanceControls: function() {
    var o = this.options;
    // degrade inputs to avoid poorly implemented native functionality
    this.element.find( "input" ).each(function() {
        var type = this.getAttribute( "type" );
        if ( o.degradeInputs[ type ] ) {
            $( this ).replaceWith(
                $( "<div>" ).html( $(this).clone() ).html()
                    .replace( /type="([a-zA-Z]+)"/, "data-type='$1'" ) );

    // enchance form controls
        .find( "[type='radio'], [type='checkbox']" )

        .find( "button, [type='button'], [type='submit'], [type='reset'], [type='image']" )
        .not( ".ui-nojs" )

        .find( "input, textarea" )
        .not( "[type='radio'], [type='checkbox'], button, [type='button'], [type='submit'], [type='reset'], [type='image']" )

        .find( "input, select" )
        .filter( "[data-role='slider'], [data-type='range']" )

        .find( "select:not([data-role='slider'])" )
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