
I have a users table that stores TIMESTAMP, when their account was created. I'm trying to write a query that will show the new users that signed up grouped by week (Starting Mondays), in a given period of time. A director will go in and pick the report date ranges, thus the 2 variables. They should see results that display all new users that have signed up between the 2 selected variable dates, grouped by Week (Monday start of the Week)

Variables: @StartRangeSelectDate @EndRangeSelectDate

User Table:

| id         | TIMESTAMP
| 1          | 2013-09-02
| 2          | 2013-09-08
| 3          | 2013-09-12
| 4          | 2013-09-27

Result Should Be (when selected start date is something like 2013-09-01 and end date is 2013-09-29:

| YearWeek         | # of New Users
| 2013 36          | 2
| 2013 37          | 1
| 2013 38          | 0
| 2013 39          | 1

Query to Display Total New Users in Date Range, but just not yet grouped by weeks in the date range:

SELECT COUNT( AS '# of New Users in Date Range'
FROM user 
WHERE user.Inactive = 0
    AND user.TimeStamp BETWEEN @StartRangeSelectDate AND @EndRangeSelectDate;
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SELECT yearweek(`TimeStamp`, 1) yw,
       COUNT(id) AS '# of New Users in Date Range'
FROM user 
WHERE Inactive = 0
AND TimeStamp BETWEEN @StartRangeSelectDate AND @EndRangeSelectDate
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