
For example, in at the bottom of page 5 and top of page 6, he uses a plus/equal symbol and a similar plus/lessthan symbol. I can't figure out how to make that symbol, and I'd like to quote him.

Any help?

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Try $\stackrel{top}{bottom}$

You'd want something like this:

$X \stackrel{+}{=} Y$

This positions the plus sign above the equals sign. For example, the following code:

$K(x,y|z) \stackrel{+}{=} K(x|z) \stackrel{+}{<} I(x:y|z)$

produces the following output:

Equation including + sign over = sign


The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List (from here) is a great resource, and start for questions like this. You could also contact the author, it's possible he did some LaTex voodoo (math accents and such) to get it to work.

Best of luck.

PS: isn't \pm plus-minus, not plus-equals?

Here's the list of Latex Math Symbols. I don't see the two from the PDF you linked to. Do you know what they mean? You might be able to find an equivalent in the Latex list.

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