
I'm using Zend Framework for a miltilingual site. Translating is done with Zend_Translate_Adapter_Gettext. I'm preparing the .mo files using poedit.

The problem is when I set up two msgids and one has a msgstr identical to the other msgid:

#: application/modules/foobar/views/scripts/index.phtml:1
msgid "foo"
msgstr "bar"
#: application/modules/foobar/views/scripts/index.phtml:2
msgid "bar"
msgstr "baz"

When I use this code:

<?php echo $this->translate('foo'); ?>
<?php echo $this->translate('bar'); ?>

the output is this:


I figure that if the msgstr coincides with a different msgid, it is used as if it was a msgid and thus is translated again. Please correct me if my reasoning is wrong.

Now, I'd like to know whether you've had a similar problem and how to circumvent it painlessly.

My current solution includes changing the msgids:

#: application/modules/foobar/views/scripts/index.phtml:1
msgid "KEY_FOO"
msgstr "bar"
#: application/modules/foobar/views/scripts/index.phtml:2
msgid "KEY_BAR"
msgstr "baz"

and then:

<?php echo $this->translate('KEY_FOO'); ?>
<?php echo $this->translate('KEY_BAZ'); ?>

This is not a satisfactory solution since I'm working on a community portal with ~10k files and I can't really check all of it for conflicts.

If it's of any use:

  • Zend Framework version: 1.10.8
  • poedit version: 1.4.6
  • site runs on Apache 2.2.11 with PHP 5.3


Thanks to Gordon, I can include another piece of data: a test involving PHP's gettext. I used the very same test .mo file, including "foo"->"bar" and "bar"->"baz" key-value pairs. The PHP code was this:

    setlocale(LC_ALL, 'pl_PL');
    bindtextdomain("pl", ".");

    echo gettext("foo");
    echo gettext("bar");

And the result:


So it's definitely not gettext's fault.

Was it helpful?


change the order

#: application/modules/foobar/views/scripts/index.phtml:2
msgid "bar"
msgstr "baz"   

 #: application/modules/foobar/views/scripts/index.phtml:1
msgid "foo"
msgstr "bar"
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