
I'm getting the hang of mustache for a project I've started during the weekend.

I'm using the PHP implementation. I have, however a couple of inquiries as I'm not used to the system.

How do you handle template inheritance, or reuse? I know of partials, but how should I use them? I'm doing something like this, ala include:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang='es'>
    <meta charset=utf-8" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/media/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
     <header><h1><a href="/">Top</a></h1>


        <footer><a href="">potaje</a></footer>

And a view to render this template:

<form action="/album/" method="post">
    <p><label for="name">Name</label> <input type="text" name="name" value=""/></p>
    <p><label for="description">Description</label> <textarea name="description" rows="8" cols="40"></textarea></p>
    <p><input type="submit" value="Save" /></p>
{{>bottom }}

Is this the right approach?

Was it helpful?


ynkr's answer is right for older versions, but I just upgraded to version 2.4.1 and there your approach should work if you're using the filesystemloader.

See for details.


Here is an example of how the php implementation of Mustache works. Of note is that Mustache.php will not expand the included partials/templates, so you have to hand them to mustache as seen below. This example was pieced together on an older cakephp framework.

  # php cannot recognize multiple acceptable file extensions for partials,
  # so toggle it to mustache's extension
  $this->ext = '.mustache';

  # Mustache says it's logic-less, but that's not exactly true.
  # Render out the basic header which calls the logo partial and has
  # a {{# logged_in? }} condition which dictates which user box we
  # show. Thus, we need to render out the html for both the logged in
  # and logged out user boxes
  $basic_header_html = $this->renderElement('basic_header');
  $logo       = $this->renderElement('shared/logo');
  $logged_in  = $this->renderElement('shared/logged_in_user_box');
  $logged_out = $this->renderElement('shared/logged_out_user_box');

  $m = new Mustache($basic_header_html,                    
                    array('logged_in?' => !empty($this->Auth->userData),
                          'cache_buster' => time(),
                          'display_name' => 'StackOverflow Customer'),
                    array('shared/logo' => $logo,
                          'shared/logged_in_user_box' => $logged_in,
                          'shared/logged_out_user_box' => $logged_out));

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Mustache Test</title>

  <?= $m->render(); ?>


<div id="header" class="basic">
  {{> shared/logo }}

  {{# logged_in? }}
    {{> shared/logged_in_user_box }}
  {{/ logged_in? }}

  {{^ logged_in? }}
    {{> shared/logged_out_user_box }}
  {{/ logged_in? }}


<a class="logo" href="/foo/bar"><img alt="" src="/images/logo.png?{{ cache_buster }}" /></a>


Hello {{display_name}}, you are logged in.


Hello. You are not logged in.
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