
I'm pretty sure this is a simple question in regards to formatting but here's what I want to accomplish:

I want to output data onto the screen using cout. I want to output this in the form of a table format. What I mean by this is the columns and rows should be properly aligned. Example:

Test                 1
Test2                2
Iamlongverylongblah  2
Etc                  1

I am only concerned with the individual line so my line to output now (not working) is

cout << var1 << "\t\t" << var2 << endl;

Which gives me something like:

Test                 1
Test2                  2
Iamlongverylongblah         2
Etc                  1
Was it helpful?



#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

int main () {
  cout << setw(21) << left << "Test"    << 1 << endl;
  cout << setw(21) << left << "Test2"   << 2 << endl;
  cout << setw(21) << left << "Iamlongverylongblah"     << 2 << endl;
  cout << setw(21) << left << "Etc"     << 1 << endl;
  return 0;


I advise using Boost Format. Use something like this:

cout << format("%|1$30| %2%") % var1 % var2;

You must find the length of the longest string in the first column. Then you need to output each string in the first column in a field with the length being that of that longest string. This necessarily means you can't write anything until you've read each and every string.

you can do it with

string str = "somthing";
printf ("%10s",str);
printf ("%10s\n",str);
printf ("%10s",str);
printf ("%10s\n",str);
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