
i have download Jplayer and used Jplayer video playlist on the site. Now i am using some divs as thumbs. the point is i am not able to play the videos on thumbs click. eg. if i click thumb1 id then the first video should play and if second the second video. Here is my playlist code.

$(document).ready(function () {
    var currentpath = "";
    new jPlayerPlaylist({
            jPlayer: "#jquery_jplayer_1",
            cssSelectorAncestor: "#jp_container_1"
        }, [
                title: "Big Buck Bunny Trailer",
                artist: "Blender Foundation",
                free: true,
                m4v: "",
                ogv: "",
                webmv: "",
                poster: ""
                title: "Finding Nemo Teaser",
                artist: "Pixar",
                m4v: "",
                ogv: "",
                webmv: "",
                poster: ""
                title: "Incredibles Teaser",
                artist: "Pixar",
                m4v: "",
                ogv: "",
                webmv: "",
                poster: ""
        ], {
            swfPath: "js",
            supplied: "webmv, ogv, m4v",
            smoothPlayBar: true,
            keyEnabled: true



Now can you please tell me i am confused like how to do it. And what is the name of my playlist. thanks.

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jPlayer playlist works with the number of the track of the current playlist... so if you want to play "Incredibles Teaser" song you can either do :

$(document).ready(function () {
    var currentpath = "";
    var myPlaylist = new jPlayerPlaylist({ // Don't forget to create a var containing the playlist object
            jPlayer: "#jquery_jplayer_1",
            cssSelectorAncestor: "#jp_container_1"
        }, [
                title: "Big Buck Bunny Trailer",
                artist: "Blender Foundation",
                free: true,
                m4v: "",
                ogv: "",
                webmv: "",
                poster: ""
                title: "Finding Nemo Teaser",
                artist: "Pixar",
                m4v: "",
                ogv: "",
                webmv: "",
                poster: ""
                title: "Incredibles Teaser",
                artist: "Pixar",
                m4v: "",
                ogv: "",
                webmv: "",
                poster: ""
        ], {
            swfPath: "js",
            supplied: "webmv, ogv, m4v",
            smoothPlayBar: true,
            keyEnabled: true
        });; // Option 1 : Plays the 3rd item; // Option 2 : Plays the last item

    // Now, if you want to click on a div to play something :
    $('#myDivID').on('click', function(){; // Option 1 : Plays the 3rd item


Here is the doc for this jPlayer plugin :

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