
Have this markup for products in category page of my online store...

Product A
<div id="lateral-thumbnails" class="product-col-left">
    <a class="fancybox lateral-gallery" onMouseOver="return showPic(this);">
        <img src="/images/001.jpg" alt="" />
    <a class="fancybox lateral-gallery" onMouseOver="return showPic(this);">
        <img src="/images/002.jpg" alt="" />

<div id="product-img-box" class="product-img-box">
    <a id="mainframeimage-AAA" href="AAA url">
        <img src="/images/AAA.jpg" alt="" />

Product B
<div id="lateral-thumbnails" class="product-col-left">
    <a class="fancybox lateral-gallery" onMouseOver="return showPic(this);">
        <img src="/images/901.jpg" alt="" />
    <a class="fancybox lateral-gallery" onMouseOver="return showPic(this);">
        <img src="/images/902.jpg" alt="" />

<div id="product-img-box" class="product-img-box">
    <a id="mainframeimage-BBB" href="BBB url">
        <img src="/images/BBB.jpg" alt="" />

<script type="text/javascript">
    function showPic (thumbs) {
        if (document.getElementById) {

            jQuery('#mainframeimage<?php echo $_product->getId();?>').fadeOut(250);

            setTimeout(function() {
                document.getElementById('mainframeimage<?php echo $_product->getId();?>').src = thumbs.href; 
                jQuery('#mainframeimage<?php echo $_product->getId();?>').fadeIn(250);
            }, 250);

            return false; 

        } else {
            return true;

With this javascript code i can change thumbs src's with fade effect to LAST mainframeimage ID processed.

How can i say in javascript language that images 001.jpg and 002.jpg will be placed in mainframeimage-AAA and images 901.jpg and 902.jpg in mainframeimage-BBB?


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Have a look in this jsFiddle. I have simplified a little your mouseover binding and added some comments to detail the differents steps

Also note that :

  • ids must be unique in the DOM, you have duplicated ids (product-img-box)
  • you don't need to do this test if (document.getElementById)
  • you don't need to return something in your showPic function
  • the fadeout() function supports a callback function, that is to say when fade out is complete, the callback function will be executed so you don't need to use setTimeout() to wait before calling fadeIn()
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