
I have been using bindings without having ever heard of exposeBinding.

Is it only intended to plug-ins ?

What does exposeBinding do ?

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Solution 2

From the doc.


Exposes the specified binding, advertising its availability.


Expose bindings are nothing special, it is just normal binding what you see in the Xcode. But why its named is expose binding becuase when you do any binding in the interface builder. It causes second binding automatically in the interface builder which is called expose binding.

For your understanding i have attached the screen shot in which inside binding inspector i have just bind file owner to the hidden in Availablity section and then you can see below automatically it created hidden2 inside Availablity section below. This new binding hidden2 is called exposed binding. And also the used of these binding values are then used together in returning the final value of the binding. Please follow the attached screen shot:-

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