
Community, I have a pretty simple problem today. I'm pretty new at Excel formatting. Anyways, I have a box that is going to change the font color of a box from white to black if a condition is true. There are technically two conditions and I think the way I set one of the conditions is wrong anyways.

=NOT($K$4="") //first condition, if box K4 != blank (works)
=NOT($K$4="No") //second condition, if box K4 != No (does not work)

Is there a way to combine those two and if so how? Secondly, if not, am I writing the second condition properly?

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You can easily discard the NOT() and use AND() to combine two conditions:

=AND($K$4<>"", $K$4<>"No")

If K4 is neither blank nor contains No, then format (in other words, don't format if K4 is blank or contains 'No').

<> means 'not equal to' in excel formulae.

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