
I'm trying to start iexplore.exe let it run for 5 seconds and then close it again.

iexplore opens just fine however it doesn't close when I call the PostThreadMessage. Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? Here is my code:

CString IEPath = "C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\IEXPLORE.EXE";//GetIEPath();
//IEPath += ' ' + url;
std::string strCommand((LPCTSTR)IEPath);
STARTUPINFO    startupinfo;    

        (char *)strCommand.c_str(),// name of executable module
        NULL,           // lpProcessAttributes
        NULL,           // lpThreadAttributes
        false,          // handle inheritance option
        CREATE_SHARED_WOW_VDM,              // creation flags
        NULL,           // new environment block
        NULL,           // current directory name
        &startupinfo,    // startup information
        &procinfo        // process information

    ::PostThreadMessage(procinfo.dwThreadId, WM_QUIT, 0, 0); //<---Dosent Close internet explorer!

Anyone have an idea of what I'm doing wrong? Or is there better way what to do the trick?

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if you can enumerate the windows on the desktop and send a WM_CLOSE to the IE window , it might work .. you can use the spy programme to get the window class of the IE window


What is the return value from the PostThreadMessage call? That might give a clue.

For me, this works perfect:

TerminateProcess(procinfo.hProcess, 0);

Try sending WM_CLOSE to the main (top-evel) window. That's equivalent to the normal Alt-F4 exit.

I don't have an answer specifically why PostThreadMessage didn't work. But, perhaps if you elaborate on why you want to do this, there is a better solution?

For example, if you just want to show a web page for 5 seconds, you can create and show your own window with an embedded Internet Explorer ActiveX control. You'll be also able to add a sink to detect when the web page is loaded in the ActiveX control, so that you start your 5-second counter only after the web page is loaded and displayed.

I ended up doing an enumeration of the windows (As serval of you mentioned i should do) I was inspired of

Don't use PostThreadMessage(), which sends a message to a specific thread in the target process instead of the process' Windows Message Pump. Use PostMessage() or SendMessage() instead, which place the message in the target process's Windows Message Pump -- which is exactly what you want.

No, never use SendMessage() (basic win32 rule) Don't use EnmWindows() (horrible)

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