
I'm have a really weird bug, heres the setup:

I have a web app running in openshift, all is good and runs great in Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari and Android WebView.

But because I need some hardware level access for a few functions, I created a JavaFX application running a WebView with a JavaScript interface for the hardware functions.

Everything works and runs (although with low FPS) except for the Bootstrap 3 Glyphicons.

Here is a screenshot from Chrome:

Here is a screenshot from Chrome

Here is a screenshot from JavaFX WebView

Here is a screenshot from JavaFX WebView

The RIA, client side is running:
-Bootstrap 3 and Glyphicons (from the CDN)
-Bootstrap Modal (from the server)
-JQuery 2.0.3 (from CDN)
-AngularJS (from CDN)

After some testing, it appears that Glyphicons from Bootstrap 2.3.2 do work as expected inside JavaFX. But I'm not willing to go back to BS 2.3.2

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Bootstrap glyph icons show in Java 8.

This is (likely) because JavaFX in Java 8 adds @font-face support which was not present in Java 7 (JavaFX 2.2).

Related JavaFX issue tracker issues which added support in Java 8:


I had the same issue and I switched to Font Awesome, which I found does work with JavaFX 2 WebView.

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