
I've noticed that several questions on SO about PBS have gone unanswered. Is there a more appropriate forum to ask these questions? For example:

PBS programming?

How to limit number of concurrently running PBS jobs?

Submitting multiple jobs TORQUE/PBS?

My Real Question: I am having a problem with my PBS configuration. I have a single computer which I've setup torque so that I can submit hundreds of jobs and don't have to babysit it. But I've somehow messed up the configuration because I have submitted three jobs which should require a total of four cpus:

#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1

And all three are running right now! Even though I've set:

resources_max.ncpus = 3

for the queue -- because I've got a quad-core and I want to save one processor for the OS. In the qmgr, it also reports:

resources_assigned.ncpus = 3

What is going on?!? Clearly I've bolluxed up something. Is this the appropriate forum? Should I be asking over on Unix/Linux? or Ubuntu (which is my OS)?

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  1. Ask about configuring PBS at;
  2. Ask about using PBS for your tasks here;
  3. This question should have been asked at
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