
I want to write a program in Objective-c that grabs some sports stats off a website and stores them in such a way that I can run some statistical analysis on them. I have a little experience with objective-c but have been working with java more recently and have forgotten a lot of the basic organization of the objective-c language.

I was wondering if someone could recommend:

the best way to store data for this purpose?

the best way to go about getting data from the website and what classes I will need to override/implement to do this? more specifically: I want to download the website's contents, and sieve through the HTML code, but am not sure how to go about this.

I just sort of need a starting point because I am a little overwhelmed right now. Thanks in advance to this helpful and thoughtful community, which I look forward to being a part of.

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for most data storage, its worth using core data, even if you don't need to store it on disc, as it can be very convenient for designing the data model, and gets a lot of the data management stuff out of the way.

as for getting the data off of the website, there are a lot of things that affect this. is the website within your control? or does the website have any kind of API? or is it a case of scraping the website, and processing at the iPhone side of things?


Do you need something more than [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url]?

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