
My site provides a javascript that shows the rate of the Dutch equivalent of the Dow Jones index. Users can embed this script in their website.

It looks like this:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

The corresponding controller action looks like this:

def show
  @script = Script.find_by_code(params[:code])
  @rate = Rate.find(:first)

  respond_to do |format|
    format.js # show.js.erb

I want to log the URL of the site the javascript has been embedded on. How can I do this?

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Make a database table that logs your hits. Whenever someone hits show, log it.

You can rip my code for something similar from - take the four_oh_four controller, model, & migration.

If you have other information (eg you know the logged on user somehow? you know whose link it is?) you can easily add it to that table as a foreign key. Then you'd do something like

user.js_hits.find(:all, :select => "name, count(id) as count", :group => 'name')

And drop it in a simple view (see my app/views/four_oh_fours/index.html.erb for a simple example).


Your webserver should give you access logs; which will show you every HTTP request it received.

Then you can just grep for requests for this file.

Example for Apache

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