
This is a recurring problem but none of the proposed solutions convince me.

According to documentation, when using dev environment, modifications made to CSS's files in Resources/public/css are refreshed immediately, but they are not.

All solutions were that I need to issue a assetic:dump command but this is not the solution. If I do that, several JS and CSS files fill JS and CSS directories of the web folder, most of them repeated files. So, this is not the solution.

Currently, I have in my CSS and JS folders only CSS and JS files for production environment that are loaded when used app.php entry point.

When I use app_dev.php entry point, the site works, CSS are loaded, JS are loaded, but not the ones belonging to Resources/public folder.

CSS URL is this: http://compromisos.local/app_dev.php/css/base_style_1.css. The corresponding CSS file is style.css.

I found out that the CSS are coming from web/bundles/mybundle/css (or js) folder. So, when I change a CSS file in Resources/public folder, I need to publish assets first.

I was trying to configure assetic to use the CSS and JS rom Resources/public folder instead, but without success.

This is what I have tried so far:

# Assetic Configuration
    debug:          %kernel.debug%
    use_controller: false
    read_from:      %kernel.root_dir%/Resources/public/
    write_to:       %kernel.root_dir%/../web/
    bundles:        [ FOSUserBundle, DesytecGestionBundle ]

Any help will be appreciated.

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What I use constantly in my dev environment

My assetic config parameter:

    debug:          %kernel.debug%
    use_controller: true # set to true in config_dev.yml{1} otherwise default to false{2}
    # bundles:        [ ]
        cssrewrite: ~

{1} config_dev.yml {2} config.yml

Then I just do:

  • php app/console assets:install
  • php app/console assetic:dump --watch (deprecated in 2.4, you should use: php app/console assetic:watch)

I also reference my file the following way:

{% stylesheets '@AcmeDemoBundle/Resources/public/css/style.css' %}
  <link href="{{ asset_url }}" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" />
{% endstylesheets %}
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