
Following the code example at this URL :

I created an empty solution, pasted the above C# code into 'program.cs' and ran the following nuget commands to get the required libraries and code files imported :

Install-Package ServiceStack
Install-Package ServiceStack.api.Swagger

The service runs fine, the swagger meta data is delivered correctly, but when trying to visit /swagger-ui/index.html I get the error 'Handler not found'.

I've shared my basic example code via dropbox : (2.5 MB) (8 Kb but needs nuget commands to be run)

Was it helpful?


Files in Self-Hosting are served from the executing /bin/Release Directory.

Make sure you set the Copy to Output Directory to Copy if Newer (or Copy Always) for all files you would like ServiceStack to have access to.


Apart from adding the SwaggerFeature Plugin, I also had to add the RazorFeature.

After adding RazorFeature, I was able to browse the Swagger UI.

public override void Configure(Container container)
   Plugins.Add(new RazorFormat());
   Plugins.Add(new SwaggerFeature());
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