
How can i edit gitignore on Cloud9 ( so i can add the .c9revisions/ folder to it to avoid adding it to my repo on github.

Everytime i use git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global it just does not do anything, can anyone help me out with that, thank you.

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That Google+ tips mentions:

tip: edit your .gitignore file even though it doesn't show in the "project files":

At the command line, simply enter:

open .gitignore

and see the file display and edit in a new tab.
Save, commit, etc.

From this issue, it looks like Cloud9 is still not ignoring automatically the .c9revisions folder (and the settings.xml, and everything else related to C9).

The OP Sergio Robledo Arango mentions he had to create that file:

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