
I'm trying to create test users for my Facebook application. They announced this functionality in this blog post in November ( and it is documented here ( I could not find the answer to this elsewhere...

According to the documentation, "You can create a test user associated with a particular application using the Graph API with the application access token." This links to the section "Autenticating as an Application" and describes this CURL script:

curl -F grant_type=client_credentials \
 -F client_id=your_app_id \
 -F client_secret=your_app_secret \

So far, so good. I ran this and get the following:


So now I want to POST this token to the graph api test user URL:

POST /1182...18/accounts/test-users?installed=true&permissions=read_stream&access_token=1182...18|nTI...r5Q  

When I do this (both using the Facebook PHP SDK and just typing it into the browser) I get:

    "error": {
      "type": "OAuthException",
      "message": "Invalid OAuth access token."

So the questions are:

  • Why am I getting this error message?
  • Am I using the wrong access token (despite Facebook explicitly telling me to use this one?)
  • Do I need to parse the access token somehow?

    Thank you for your help.

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    Here is some working code that will allow you to create a test user with the PHP SDK.


    Ensure your access token is properly urlencoded when passing back to facebook.

    I was getting this error until I removed some parameters from example code I saw floating around. Here is an example in python using requests that I finally managed to get working:

    # Get the access token
    resp = requests.get(
            app_id=APP_ID, # Your app id (found in admin console)
            app_secret=APP_SECRET  # Your app secret (found in admin console)
    # Parse the token
    token = resp.content.split('=')[-1]
    # Create the user
    data = {'access_token': str(token)}
    resp =
    print resp.content
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