
I am sending email with PDF as an attachment.

Now I want to add form link in body of this email. This link is the URL to that saved form.

How to achieve this?

I have tried something as follow :

      <xsl:variable name="doc" select="doc('input:parameters')/*/document" as="xs:string"/>
      <xsl:value-of select="xpl:rewriteServiceURI(concat('/fr/',$app,'/',$form, '/edit/',$doc), true())"/>

         <xsl:value-of select="$fr-resources/resource[@xml:lang = $request-language]/email/body"/> 

I am getting result as expected . adding URL of current document to email body.

But If i use xpl:rewriteServiceURI or xpl:rewriteResourceURI it gives me same result !

Which one I have to use ?

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You would have to change email-form.xpl. Right now the text in the body is static. You can see how it is pulled from the resources. There, you want to generate a URL that points back to your server, and for this need to know the app, form, and document id. These informations are available as doc('input:parameters')/*/app, doc('input:parameters')/*/form, and doc('input:parameters')/*/document, so you should be able to generate the link with XSLT. (Disclaimer: I haven't tried that out.)

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