
I have multiple lines in some text files such as

.model sdata1 s tstonefile='../data/s_element/isdimm_rcv_via_2port_via_minstub.s50p' passive=2

I want to extract the text between the single quotes in MATLAB.

Much help would be appreciated.

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To get all of the text inside multiple '' blocks, regexp can be used as follows:


This says to get text surrounded by ' characters, which does not include a ' in the captured text. For example, consider this file with two lines (I made up different file name),

txt = ['.model sdata1 s tstonefile=''../data/s_element/isdimm_rcv_via_2port_via_minstub.s50p'' passive=2 ', char(10), ...
'.model sdata1 s tstonefile=''../data/s_element/isdimm_rcv_via_3port_via_minstub.s00p'' passive=2']
>> stringCell = regexp(txt,'''(.[^'']*)''','tokens');
>> stringCell{:}
ans = 
ans = 


  • char(10) gives a newline character because 10 is the ASCII code for newline.
  • The . character in regexp (regex in the rest of the coding word) pattern usually does not match a newline, which would make this a safer pattern. In MATLAB, a dot in regexp does match a newline, so to disable this, we could add 'dotexceptnewline' as the last input argument to `regexp``. This is convenient to ensure we don't get the text outside of the quotes instead, but not needed since the first match sets precedent.
  • Instead of excluding a ' from the match with [^''], the match can be made non-greedy with ? as follows, regexp(txt,'''(.*?)''','tokens').


If you plan to use textscan:

fid = fopen('data.txt','r');
rawdata = textscan(fid,'%s','delimiter','''');

output = rawdata{:}(2)

As also used in other answers the single apostrophe 'is represented by a double one: '', e.g. for delimiters.

considering the comment:

fid = fopen('data.txt','r');
rawdata = textscan(fid,'%s','delimiter','\n');

lines = rawdata{1,1};
L = size(lines,1);
output = cell(L,1);
for ii=1:L
    temp = textscan(lines{ii},'%s','delimiter','''');
    output{ii,1} = temp{:}(2);

One easy way is to split the string with single quote delimiter and take the even-numbered strings in the output:

str = fileread('test.txt');
out = regexp(str, '''', 'split');
out = out(2:2:end);

You can do this using regular expressions. Assuming that there is only one occurrence of text between quotation marks:

% select all chars between single quotation marks.
out = regexp(inputString,'''(.*)''','tokens','once');

After identifing which lines you want to extract info from, you could tokenize it or do something like this if they all have the same form:

test='.model sdata1 s tstonefile=''../data/s_element/isdimm_rcv_via_2port_via_minstub.s50p'' passive=2';
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