
I've installed social_stream according to the README ( ) and it works fine, however, I'd like to have the code in my app/ directory and the code isn't there.

The same question arises for Devise and other gems. When I install it, I'd like to have access to the controllers, models, views, etc but it seems nothing is in the app/.

What do I have to do in order to put the code there and being able to change it as I'd like? Or, access it in other folder.

Thank you

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"gem which social_stream" tells me the place where the gem is installed so I can change the code.

I don't know these plugins specifically, but Rails plugins in general get put in vendor/plugins.

AFAIK, they are within vendor folders.

Unless you have a good explanation, you should not put the addon within same app folder.

Imagine if social_stream gets upgraded and new features are released, you would be lost.

With Bundler you can freeze all your gems in your directory. You can try that.

Having the file in your app directory is not really a good advice.

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