
I'm new to C and I'm trying to find machine epsilon (1.0 + macheps > 1.0), eta (eta > 0.0) and MAX (MAX < infinity), but my code doesn't work as intended. First of all, macheps is calculated using 80-bit precision. How do I force it to single, double and long double? Secondly, the code doesn't finish calculating the results for double precision at all.

EDIT: Fixed the format error.

/* macheps eta max */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#define TYPE long double

int main(void)
    TYPE macheps = (TYPE) 1.0;
    TYPE eta = (TYPE) 1.0;
    TYPE maksymilian = (TYPE) 2.0;
    TYPE real_macheps;
    TYPE real_eta;
    TYPE real_maksymilian;

    TYPE something = (TYPE) 1.0 + (TYPE) macheps;

    while ((TYPE) something > (TYPE) 1.0)
        real_macheps = (TYPE) macheps;
        printf("%e ", (TYPE) real_macheps);
        macheps = (TYPE) macheps/(TYPE) 2.0;
        something = (TYPE) 1.0 + (TYPE) macheps;
    printf("%e\n", (TYPE) real_macheps);

    while ((TYPE) eta > (TYPE) 0.0)
        real_eta = (TYPE) eta;
        eta = (TYPE) eta/(TYPE) 2.0;
    printf("%e\n", (TYPE) real_eta);

    while ((TYPE) maksymilian != INFINITY)
        (real_maksymilian) = (TYPE) maksymilian;
        maksymilian = (TYPE) maksymilian*(TYPE) 2.0;
    real_maksymilian = (TYPE) real_maksymilian * (TYPE) (2.0-(TYPE) real_macheps);
    printf("%e\n", (TYPE) real_maksymilian);

EDIT2: Shouldn't the above code force precision? What am I missing?

EDIT3: Still doesn't give correct macheps for long double.

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You program will invoke undefined behavior. In C, long means long int and not long double.


long is shorthand for long signed int and therefore an integer type. Use long double instead.

Depending on how numbers that cannot be represented are rounded, (1.0 + machepsfloat) > 1.0 might always be true. Check FLT_ROUNDS from <float.h> to determine the rounding behaviour of your implementation.

Forgot to post the corrected code. I had to do a work-around, but it works:

/* macheps eta max */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#define TYPE long double /* printf 'e' for float and double, 'Le' for long double */
/* used_type: float 0, double 1, long double 2 */
int main(void)
    int used_type = 2;
    TYPE macheps = (TYPE) 1.0;
    TYPE eta = (TYPE) 1.0;
    TYPE maksymilian = (TYPE) 1.0;
    TYPE real_macheps = 0.0;
    TYPE real_eta = 0.0;
    TYPE real_maksymilian = 0.0;
    TYPE something = (TYPE) 1.0 + (TYPE) macheps;

    while ((TYPE) something > (TYPE) 1.0)
        real_macheps = (TYPE) macheps;
        macheps = (TYPE) macheps/(TYPE) 2.0;
        something = (TYPE) 1.0 + (TYPE) macheps;

    while ((TYPE) eta > (TYPE) 0.0)
        real_eta = (TYPE) eta;
        eta = (TYPE) eta/(TYPE) 2.0;

    while ((TYPE) maksymilian != INFINITY)
        (real_maksymilian) = (TYPE) maksymilian;
        maksymilian = (TYPE) maksymilian*(TYPE) 2.0;
    real_maksymilian = (TYPE) real_maksymilian * (TYPE) (2.0-(TYPE) real_macheps);

    if (used_type == 2)
        printf("%Le\n", (TYPE) real_macheps);
        printf("%Le\n", (TYPE) real_eta);
        printf("%Le\n", (TYPE) real_maksymilian);
        printf("%e\n", (TYPE) real_macheps);
        printf("%e\n", (TYPE) real_eta);
        printf("%e\n", (TYPE) real_maksymilian);
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