
In Gruntfile.js, I have got:

watch: {
    styles: {
      files: [
        '<%= %>/styles/{,*/}*.less'
      tasks: ['copy:styles', 'autoprefixer']

For the path, what does {,*/} mean indeed? How does it differ to using double asterisks **/?

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Solution 2

This pattern is widely used in yeoman templates: it means to look only one level deep inside folder hierarchy. It is used mostly for performance reasons since watching too many files simultaneously can be slow (or even impossible).


These are globbing patterns for Grunt, supported by the node-glob and minimatch libraries.


  • * matches any number of characters, but not /
  • ** matches any number of characters, including /, as long as it's the only thing in a path part
  • {} allows for a comma-separated list of "or" expressions

So, styles/{,*/}*.less matches the following files:

  • LESS files inside styles directory
  • LESS files inside direct sub-directories of styles directory (but no deeper)

I believe you're using a minimatch pattern there.

The double asterisk is a glob that causes recursion into subdirectories.

The single asterisk only matches 0 or more characters in the current directory (it matches every character except the slash character).

For example, a/**/d will match a/b/c/d.

The answer is globbing-patterns .

The other answers had already answer what does{,*/}* mean.

But the different between **/ and {,*/}* is folder depth.

  • /styles/{,*/}*.less has been divided into two situation

    1. /styles/*.less
    2. /styles/*/*.less

For example

/styles/{,*/}*.less will match /styles/x.less (situation 1)

/styles/{,*/}*.less will also match /styles/test/x.less (situation 2)

But /styles/{,*/}*.less can't match /styles/test/test1/x.less

But /styles/**/*.less can do that

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