
Now that Android 4.4 is almost released, I have a question. Does it make sense to build my app against the new version of API and release the updated version to the market? Or does it make sense only if I want to use any of the new features? What is the best practice or the recommended approach?

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Like for any new Android version, you need to stay tuned to Google announcements, like the one that Alécio mentioned, as certain APIs could be deprecated/changed (in the case of KitKat, if your application depends on intercepting/reading/storing SMS messages, then you should read this). You also need to figure out whether you want to take advantage of any new API to make your application better in one way or another. It's also possible that a whole new feature could be introduced, one that could be interesting to your application. Just use your common sense.

Finally, to be able to use the latest version, you just need to download the latest SDK and ADT, and increment the targetSDKVersion number against the latest API level (this is a general good practice). The list of API levels, for each Android version, are available here.


You should not worry about it. But if your app is a SMS app, then you might have to. Check out this article:

Yeah..Earlier,you released your application with maximum sdk level is 17 above means, you don't have any problem with latest version..else,You released by 2.3 to 4.1 version means..You,should update your application also.Because APIs are different for above 4.1 and below 4.1. If required you need to update the latest APIs for Latest android version

No you do not need to make any change to your app in order to make it work on the newest version of android unless you use in your code deprecated classes or methods.

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