
Whenever i show a JOptionPane in my Swing application i fire a beep before it like this :

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( myFrame, "Message", "Title", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );

Is there a way to apply the first line automatically to any JOptionPane in case i forgot to write it in code ?

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You could create your own class which has a static method showMessageDialogAndBeep() which calls JOptionPane.showMessageDialog and beeps before.


void showMessageDialog(Component pC, Object m, String t, int mT) { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( pC, m,t,mT); }

I agree with and atamanroman. Additionally I can suggest you the following. Create AWTListener and register it using

Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().addAWTEventListener(listener, eventMask)

I think that this listener will be called in many cases including dialog opening. So you just have to recognize the case and call beep(). I did not try this but I believe it will work.

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