
We have a requirement to expose an RSA Public Key as an HTTP resource - so returns a public key.

I would like to return it with a correct Internet Media Type. What should that be? I confess I find the crypto RFCs fairly impenetrable.

And as a bonus, how do I translate easily from and to that format using the standard libraries?

(It's easy enough to go from and to a SubjectPublicKeyInfo byte array as defined in using to serialize to bytes and a to deserialize those same bytes; but I can't find a registered media type for that format which suggests to me that I should be using some other format (an x.509 Certificate?). But then I struggle to work out how to do the translation.)


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One alternative would be to encode the PKCS#1 format RSA public key as a PEM file, and then use the MIME type:



Note: "application/x-pem-file" is not registered ... obviously! ... but is referenced in a number of catalogues of "file types".

You probably ought to deliver the key over HTTPS ...

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