
I have a Windows 8 store application and I'm using the latest version on SQLite for my database.

So I want to return some records from the database and I want to order them by more that one column. However SQLite doesn't seem to have the ThenBy statement? So my LINQ statement is below:

from i in connection.Table<MyTable>()
where i.Type == type 
orderby i.Usage_Counter
// ThenBy i.ID
select i);

So how do I sort by multiple columns in SQLite without doing another LINQ statement?

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You can't use SQL-Net's LINQ implementation to sort by multiple columns, since it doesn't have ThenBy implemented.

You can work around this by using the Query method on the connection:

var sorted =
    "select * from MyTable where Type = ? order by Usage_Counter, ID",
    // you may have to cast to int here...

Another option is to use your result from above and call ToList() on it. You can then sort the results by multiple values:

var tables =
from i in connection.Table<MyTable>()
where i.Type == type 
select i;

var tmp = tables.ToList();

var sorted =
from i in tmp
orderby i.Usage_Counter, i.ID
select i;


When using query syntax, you simply supply a comma-delimited list of fields to sort by:

from i in connection.Table<MyTable>()
where i.Type == type 
orderby i.Usage_Counter, i.ID
select i

With method syntax, you can use ThenBy:

          .Where(i => i.Type == type)
          .OrderBy(i => i.Usage_Counter)
          .ThenBy(i => i.ID)

Edit - Sorry to be the downer here, but it appears you can't use Entity Framework with Windows 8 Store Apps: Is EntityFramework available for Windows 8 Store Apps?

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