
I have a large (multi-GB) array in Matlab, that I want to truncate¹. Naively, I thought that truncating can't need much memory, but then I realised that it probably can:

>> Z = zeros(628000000, 1, 'single');
>> Z(364000000:end) = [];
Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.

Unless Matlab does some clever optimisations, before truncating Z, this code actually creates an array (of type double!) 364000000:628000000. I don't need this array, so I can do instead:

>> Z = Z(1:363999999);

In this case, the second example works, and is fine for my purpose. But why does it work? If Z(364000000:end) = 0 fails due to the memory needed for the intermediate array 364000000:628000000, then why does not Z = Z(1:363999999) fail due to the memory needed for the intermediate array 1:363999999, that is larger? Of course, I don't need this intermediate array, and would be happy with either a solution that truncates my array without having any intermediate array, or, failing that, if Matlab optimises a particular method.

  • Is there any way to truncate an array without creating an intermediate indexing array?
  • If not, is either of the aforementioned methods more memory-efficient than the other (it appears ot is)? If so, why? Does Matlab really create intermediate arrays in both examples?

¹Reason: I'm processing data but don't know how much to preallocate. I make an educated guess, often I'm allocating too much. I choose chunk size based on available memory, because splitting in fewer chunks means faster code. So I want to avoid any needless memory usage. See also this post on allocating by chunk.

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I ran both examples on a machine with 24GB of RAM with profile('-memory','on');. This profiler option will show memory allocated and freed on each line of code. These are supposed to be gross not net amounts. I checked with a simple function that has net 0 free and alloc and it reported the gross amounts. However, it seems likely that builtin commands with no .m code to back them do not give fine-grained memory reporting to the profiler.

I ran a couple tests for the following code:

% truncTest.m
N = 628000000;
M = 364000000;

clear Z
Z = zeros(N,1,'single');
Z(M:end) = [];
Z(1) % just because

clear Z
Z = zeros(N,1,'single');
Z = Z(1:M);

For what they are worth, the memory profiling results for this N and M are:

enter image description here

Well, both lines look the same in terms of memory allocated and freed. Maybe that's not the whole truth.

So, out of curiosity I decreased M to 200 (just 200!) without changing N, did profile clear and reran. Profiling claims:

enter image description here

Interestingly, Z=Z(1:M); is practically instantaneous now, and Z(M:end)=[]; is a little faster. Both free about 2.4GB of memory, as expected.

Finally, if we go the other direction and set M=600000000;:

enter image description here

Now even Z=Z(1:M); is slow, but about twice as fast as Z(M:end)=[];.

This suggests:

  1. Z=Z(1:M); just grabs the indicated elements, stores them in a new buffer or temporary variable, releases the old buffer and assigns the new/temporary to the array Z. I was able to make my weaker 4GB machine go from 2.45 seconds to thrashing the page file for 5 minutes just by increasing M and leaving N alone. Definitely prefer this option for small M/N, probably in all cases.
  2. Z(M:end)=[]; always rewrites the buffer, and execution time increases with M too. Actually always slower, and seems to increase exponentially, unlike Z=Z(1:M);.
  3. Memory profiling does not give fine-grained information about these builtin operations and should not be misinterpreted as giving a total of memory freed and allocated over the commands execution, but rather a net change.

UPDATE 1: Just for fun I timed the tests at a range of values of M:

enter image description here

Clearly more informative than the profiling. Both methods are not no-ops, but Z=Z(1:M); is fastest, but it can use almost double the memory of Z for M/N near 1.


A relatively unknown feature called mtic (and mtoc) were available in 32-bit Windows prior to R2008b. I still have it installed on one machine, so I decided to see if that provides any more insight, with the understanding that (a) much has changed since then and (b) it's a completely different memory manager used in 32-bit MATLAB. Still, I reduced the test size to N=128000000; M=101000000; and had a look. First, feature mtic for Z=Z(1:M-1);

>> tic; feature mtic; Z=Z(1:M-1); feature mtoc, toc

ans = 

      TotalAllocated: 808011592
          TotalFreed: 916009628
    LargestAllocated: 403999996
           NumAllocs: 86
            NumFrees: 77
                Peak: 808002024

Elapsed time is 0.951283 seconds.

Clearing up, recreating Z, the other way:

>> tic; feature mtic; Z(M:end) = []; feature mtoc, toc

ans = 

      TotalAllocated: 1428019588
          TotalFreed: 1536018372
    LargestAllocated: 512000000
           NumAllocs: 164
            NumFrees: 157
                Peak: 1320001404

Elapsed time is 4.533953 seconds.

In every metric (TotalAllocated, TotalFreed, NumAllocs, etc.), Z(M:end) = []; is less efficient than Z=Z(1:M-1);. I expect it is possible to discern what is going on in memory by examining these numbers for these values of N and M, but we'd be guessing about an old MATLAB

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