
I'm using project using normally I know how to use angularjs with PHP on normal projects.

But I'm confused to use php with yeoman.

Where should I create .php file and how should I call $http scope in main.js controller?

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If you're using generator-angular, you need two elements:

1/ Have your PHP running as you would normally in a subdirectory like public so public/index.php is loaded when you go to http://localhost/

2/ Use a Grunt task to compile the individual AngularJS source files in src into a single file somewhere like public/js/myapp.js and in public/index.php add something like <script src="/js/myapp.js></script>

3/ If you're wanting to send JSON to your angular app, use json_encode such as:

header('Content-type: application/json');
echo json_encode($someArray); ?>

You could also have a look at grunt-php for serving up you PHP files on a dev box.

Shameless self plug - I've also written a generator that creates a simple AngularJS app with a FlightPHP backend: - Which might give you an idea of how you can split the JavaScript elements from the PHP backend.


You could use web service API calls to your PHP project. Usually PHP and AngularJS are two different scopes. We can establish communication between these two using API's. Normally it is better to use some REST API frameworks like Slim.

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