
I'm making a 2D Java game and I'm trying to figure out how to generate an image every few seconds(2 or 3) with the y axis picked randomly from an array of numbers. I don't know how to make the more than 1 of the same image appear on the screen at once, making a timer, or getting a random number out of an array.

Can someone please help me with this? I've been stuck on this for about 3 weeks, also some tips on collision would be appreciated.

*Overall I'm trying to have images generate at a y that is randomly picked from a array "int[] blocky = {0, 29, 50, 79, 109, 138, 168, 204, 222, 248, 276, 304, 334, 363, 393, 418, 443}; "

Was it helpful?


Assuming your array of numbers looks like this, initialized somewhere in your class:

int[] numbers = new int[]{ 123, 321, 456, 765, 923, 931 };

You can create a method looking like this:

private int getRandomNumberFromArray(){
     int min = 0;
     int max = numbers.length;

     return numbers[min + (int)(Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1))];

Then you could call that method like this:

int randomNumberFromArray = getRandomNumberFromArray();

Look into this thread for a detailed explanation of Java's Random implementation.

As for your other problems, I'm not quite sure what you are trying to accomplish. Please provide some more details.


With your OP updated, I think I have a better idea of what you're trying to do. Allow me to revise.

First, for getting images displayed with Slick2D, here is a good, short video tutorial. I recommend you check his series on the subject, as they are very clear and concise.

As for your timer, I found this piece of code here.

int time;

public void update(GameContainer container, int delta) {
    time += delta;

public void render(GameContainer container, Graphics g) {
    g.drawString("Time : " + time/1000, 100, 100);

This will draw a simply timer that on the screen at x=100, y=100 that updates itself. This is something you could use for test purposes. As for your random interval, you can expand on the above code like this.

int time;
int deadline; // initialize this somewhere in the start of your game

public void update(GameContainer container, int delta) {
    time += delta;

public void render(GameContainer container, Graphics g) {
    g.drawString("Time : " + time/1000, 100, 100);

    // if the current time has passed the deadline, do something
    if(time > deadline){
        int min = 2;
        int max = 3;
        deadline = time + ((min + (int)(Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1))) * 1000); // reset the interval timer

        // draw the image
        int x = 100;
        int y = getRandomNumberFromArray(); // this is the method I provided in my first part of the answer
        Image img = new Image("path/file.png");
        g.drawImage(img, x, y) // image file, x, y

This piece of code creates a deadline that functions as a random interval timer. The deadline is a summation of the current time, to which a number between 2 and 3 will be added (multiplied with 1000, because time is kept in milliseconds). When the current time surpasses this deadline, a random image will be created.

As for displaying multiple images, I would refer to the previously linked tutorial. I think this could be accomplished by keeping track of the images in an ArrayList. Then rendering all of those images in the render() method. But I'm not quite sure since I only know a few basics of Slick2D.

I haven't tested any of this, but I hope to have pointed you into the right direction.

Update 2

As for the recommendation in the comment, this would be a way of implementing that.

ArrayList<DrawnImage> images; // make sure you initialize this at the beginning as: images = new ArrayList<Image>();
int time;
int deadline; // initialize this somewhere in the start of your game

public void update(GameContainer container, int delta) {
    time += delta;

public void render(GameContainer container, Graphics g) {
    g.drawString("Time : " + time/1000, 100, 100);

    // if the current time has passed the deadline, do something
    if(time > deadline){
        int min = 2;
        int max = 3;
        deadline = time + ((min + (int)(Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1))) * 1000); // reset the interval timer

        // draw the image
        int x = 100;
        int y = getRandomNumberFromArray(); // this is the method I provided in my first part of the answer
        images.add(new DrawnImage(new Image("path/file.png"), x, y));

        for(DrawnImage di : images){
            g.drawImage(di.image, di.x, di.y); // image file, x, y

DrawnImage class

public class DrawnImage {
    public Image image;
    public float x;
    public float y;

    public DrawnImage(Image image, float x, float y){
        this.image = image;
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;


You don't need a timer at all.

while (true) {
    Thread.sleep(x); //x is the number of milliseconds you want the computer to wait for
    int y = Math.random() * array.length;  //array is the name of the array
    //Create your new image, with y-value as array[y]
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