
I know frames are bad. However I have to stick with them a little longer. My problem comes from the non-standard "border" attribute of the "frameset" element:

<frameset border="0">

If I don't use that attribute browsers put a gap between each frame. If I use the attribute, HTML validators throw error about "unsupported attribute".

Now I hear you saying "use it and ignore the validator", that's fine. I think I can live with one validator warning, and browsers seem not too worried about it either :)

My question is mostly about HTML trickery. How can I set border to 0 and yet stay browser compatible? Think of this as an exercise for similar problems in the future. For instance I tried:

<frameset onload="this.border='0'">

and it didn't work.

I tried using stylesheets in inner frames to set "border:0;margin:0;padding:0", it didn't work either. Gap seems to come from an unknown source.

I thought of writing in Javascript like:

document.write('<frameset border="0">');

But I have a hunch that it wouldn't validate anyway.

Can you think of an alternate solution?

Other solutions that didn't work:

  • @Donut: "frameborder" attribute on either "frame" or "frameset" elements
  • @kangax: frameSetObj.setAttribute('border', 0);
Was it helpful?


According to my tests, these should work :

For Opera (10) :

frameSetObj.setAttribute("framespacing", "0");

For IE8 :

frameSetObj.setAttribute("framespacing", "0");
//set rows and cols attributes again if the frameset already had them.
frameSetObj.setAttribute("rows", rows);
frameSetObj.setAttribute("cols", cols);

For FireFox 3.5 and Chrome 3

frameSetObj.setAttribute("frameborder", "0");
//same idea as IE8
frameSetObj.setAttribute("rows", rows);
frameSetObj.setAttribute("cols", cols);

To summarize, this code should work on every browser:

frameSetObj.setAttribute("framespacing", "0");
frameSetObj.setAttribute("frameborder", "0");
frameSetObj.setAttribute("rows", rows);
frameSetObj.setAttribute("cols", cols);


Use the frameborder attribute on your frame tags instead of border on the frameset tag. According to the HTML spec, there is no border (or frameborder) attribute defined for frameset tags.
In fact, all of the the W3C's page on frames is worth checking out. The example found there might be helpful to take a look at. You'll also want to make sure you're using a correct DOCTYPE.
In the example:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN"
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