
I have the template:

            <div ng-repeat="CableFilterName in CableFilterNames">

                  <ul id="">
                    <li ng-repeat="filterValue in CableFilterName.filterValues">
                        <input type="checkbox"/> {{filterValue}}
                        <!-- <select> -->



where filterValue in nested ng-repeat has several different values. So question is how to define what is current filterValue-value and depending on it use checkbox or select or any arbitrary HTML ?


filterValues = ['Cable System','Electrical', 'Lighting'];
Was it helpful?


To have a kind of if statement, you can use the ngSwitch directive in AngularJS :

For example on your ngRepeat loop :

<div ng-switch on="filterValue">
     <div ng-switch-when="value1">//Do what you want when "value1"</div>
     <div ng-switch-when="value2">//Do what you want when "value2"</div>
     <div ng-switch-default>//Do what you want by default</div>

I Hope it's what you want, I don't really understand what you try to achieve.

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