
My maven web project is working fine before i included the shiro-core-1.2.2 and shiro-web-1.2.2 but after i include this dependency in pom.xml then i getting error at the time of mvn tomee:deploy. and this same project code after arranging project structure if i execute in eclipse then is working fine but in maven and in netbeans is not working .its display error

SEVERE: Can't find of appInfo for C:\my_work\Snefocaremaven\target\Snefocaremaven.war, availables: [C:\App\apache-tomee-jaxrs-1.5.2\webapps\Demo, C:\App\apache-tomee-jaxrs-1.5.2\webapps\host-manager, C:\App\apache-tomee-jaxrs-1.5.2\webapps\tomee, C:\App\apache-tomee-jaxrs-1.5.2\webapps\ROOT, C:\App\apache-tomee-jaxrs-1.5.2\webapps\docs, C:\App\apache-tomee-jaxrs-1.5.2\webapps\manager]

in catalina log file. and the full trace of message is here:

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may you need to include the library in netbean and the pom.xml .you can refer this link for solution. i hope this will solve your problem.

see this link::Get apache shiro to work in netbeans without maven

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