
I've somewhat ran in to a problem with Drupal today.

I would like to display a node (Product) on a page, and below that node, I'd like to display 3 similar nodes (Products). Similar being: having the same taxonomy id or having a "promoted" tag attached to it.

I've tried crafting the related nodes into a view which is being displayed as a block, only when we're on a product's page. I didn't get far with this.

My second thought was making a panel page with 2 views on it, one for the product, and one for the related products. I also didn't get far with this.

Does anybody know the easiest way to accomplish this?


I have tried both answers, I am not receiving any related products though. The SQL query that's executed (term id = 1) is:

SELECT node.type AS node_type, node.title AS node_title, node.nid AS nid, node.created AS node_created FROM  {node} node INNER JOIN {taxonomy_index} taxonomy_index_value_0 ON node.nid = taxonomy_index_value_0.nid AND taxonomy_index_value_0.tid = :views_join_condition_0 WHERE (( (node.type IN ('product')) AND (taxonomy_index_value_0.tid AND '') AND( (taxonomy_index_value_0.tid IN ('1')) ))) ORDER BY node_created DESC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0

When I manually execute the query and remove AND (taxonomy_index_value_0.tid AND '') from the query I do receive the related products.

Does anybody know what causes the code to be added to the query and how to fix it?

Update 2: I've removed the "Allow Multiple Terms per Argument" and am now getting the related products. I don't know what this means for my site though.

Update 3: I am using Drupal 7 by the way.

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Override your node view with panels. And create a view block with 'taxonomy id argument', you need to choose default argument options as PHP Code and place this code.

$node = node_load(arg(1));
if($node) {
    foreach($node->taxonomy as $term) {
        $term = $term->tid;
        return $term;

I just launched a site using panels + views magic.


Take a look at the RelatedContent module. Links to the module and a couple of tutorials below:

You say you're having trouble with the display. In that casea, make the view from the above instructions a block, and have it display in a region that's below the node content, though that assumes there's a region in your theme directly below your content.

You can have multiple terms when you change to

$node = node_load(arg(1));
if ($node) {
    $ret = array();
    foreach ($node->taxonomy as $term) {
        $ret[] =  $term->tid;
    return implode('+', $ret);
return '';

The '+' in implode is OR. If you want AND, than use ',' instead

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