
I happily use vim as my default editor for commits, and do not wish to change it. However, when it comes to rebasing, I find myself squashing dozens and dozens of commits which I find much easier with an interactive editor like Textwrangler (substituting "pick" with "squash" in all but the top commit).

Is there any way to specify an alternate editor for a one-off rebase command?

I know in vim I can do:


but that has its own minor annoyances.

EDIT - as stated in the comments, you can squash all but the top commit very efficiently by going to the 2nd line and executing


(note the comma and dollar are different to the original)

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Try adding the GIT_EDITOR environment variable before your command, like so:

GIT_EDITOR=<editor of choice> git rebase <...>

For example, to use nano I would type:

GIT_EDITOR=nano git rebase -i abcdef1234


There is an even better option for all your interactive rebase.

It is a custom CLI app written in node specifically for interactive rebase.

To install:

npm install -g rebase-editor
git config --global sequence.editor rebase-editor 

Or with yarn:

yarn global add rebase-editor
git config --global sequence.editor rebase-editor 
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