
we use TFS 2010 and have configured our build system to compile test and deploy our projects on a CI policy.

One thing that I would also like to be able to do is automatically set the "Build Quality" at the end of the build process that is either "Released" or Rejected"

I have customised out build template to allow automatic deployment base on where ALL projects compiled and ALL unit tests passed.

I also added what I though would set the build quality but no matter which outcome the quality is never updated. Looking at the build log it actually is hitting the SetBuildProperties action but that doesn't appear to "save" it.

I am doing this in the xaml designer in vs2010 if that helps.

Has anyone experienced anything like this when attempting to set a build property while it is still in progress?

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OK it appears that I missed a special box at the top of the properties page that actually determines which properties are to be set:

PropertiesToSet: Quality, ....


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