How to send email with attachment of self-defined file extension name through Amazon?


  •  03-07-2022
  •  | 


I'm trying to send an email with attachment of self-defined file extension name, like ''. I don't know how to set it's MIME content type. I new an atachment as 'new Attachement(stream, null, null)'. But then got an Amazon exception of 'Illegal file name'.

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You must specify a MIME type in email. You can use application/octet-stream to specify it should be handled as a binary file, text/plain for a text file or you can make your as application/vnd.yourcompany.yourapplicationname - anything that starts with type/ are reserved for private use. See the Wikipedia article for more info.

Apparently, Amazon restricts both file extensions and MIME types. I would consider zipping your custom format as apparently that is allowed. See the developer documentation for more.

var inputfile = "";
var tempdir = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
var outZipFile = File.GetTempFileName();

File.Move(inputfile, tempdir);
ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(tempdir, outZipFile);
Directory.Delete(tempdir, true /* delete the file within */);

var attachment = new Attachment(outZipFile, "", "application/octet-stream");
// send your email
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