
I am using the latest GWT Designer version 8.1.1.r36x201012191024 in SpringSource Tool Suite. From the official user guide, it should have feature like Factories, Morphing etc. Morphing.

However, I can't find such features. What I am getting is just like the below.alt text.

Am I missing some step to enable advance features? I found out the user guide is exactly same as WindowBuilder Pro. Are these features only for WindowBuilder Pro, which is for desktop Java application? Thanks.

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Solution 2

Contacted Google/Instantiations, the only one of those features that is relevant for UiBinder-based UIs is morphing and that is on the list to implement at some time in the future. If you are using Java-based UI, you are able to see all features.



I'm using GWT Designer Editor 8.1.1.r36x201012191114 GWT Designer 8.1.1.r36x201012191837
and I can see the above features that you have mentioned as missing.

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