
I'm very new to langage C and I need to make a lot of matrix calculation and I decided to use a matrix struct.


struct Matrix
    unsigned int nbreColumns;
    unsigned int nbreRows;
    double** matrix;

struct Matrix CreateNewMatrix(unsigned int n,unsigned int m);
double GetMatrixValue(struct Matrix* m,unsigned int ligne,unsigned int colonne);


#include "matrix.h"

struct Matrix CreateNewMatrix(unsigned int n,unsigned int m){
    struct Matrix mat;
    mat.nbreColumns = n;
    mat.nbreRows = m;
    mat.matrix = (double**)malloc(n * sizeof(double*));

    unsigned int i;
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
        mat.matrix[i] = (double*)calloc(m,sizeof(double));

    return mat;

double GetMatrixValue(struct Matrix* m,unsigned int ligne,unsigned int colonne){
    return m->matrix[ligne][colonne];

Then I compile, no errors ...

I made a few tests :


struct Matrix* m1 = CreateNewMatrix(2,2);

printf("Valeur : %f",GetMatrixValue(m1,1,1));

Edit : When I run my code, I had ".exe has stop working" ..

What did i do wrong ?

Was it helpful?


CreateNewMatrix returns a Matrix not a Matrix*

struct Matrix* m1 = CreateNewMatrix(2,2);
printf("Valeur : %f",GetMatrixValue(m1,1,1));

should be

struct Matrix m1 = CreateNewMatrix(2,2);
printf("Valeur : %f",GetMatrixValue(&m1,1,1));

You should compile with all warnings on and not run the program until all the warnings go away.


You declare CreateNewMatrix to return a struct:

struct Matrix CreateNewMatrix(unsigned int n,unsigned int m){

But when you use it you expect a pointer to a struct:

struct Matrix* m1 = CreateNewMatrix(2,2);

This should be a compiler error, though.

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