
I have three tables one is ItemCategory,ItemMaster and Price. I am referring itemaCategoryId in ItemMaster table and like that referring itemmasterid in price. Now i have to display contents of price order by itemcategory id. This is my criteria query.

CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery<Price> cq = cb.createQuery(Price.class);
    Root<Price> root = cq.from(Price.class);
    Root<ItemMaster> itemMasterRoot = cq.from(ItemMaster.class);
    Root<ItemCategory> itemCategoryRoot = cq.from(ItemCategory.class);
    Join<ItemMaster, ItemCategory> s=itemMasterRoot.join(ItemMaster_.category);     
    Join<Price,ItemMaster> y=root.join(Price_.itemMaster);

    Path<Long> itemMasterId=root.get(Price_.itemMasterId);, priceMasterId))

    TypedQuery<Price> q = entityManager.createQuery(cq);

Above my criteria Query

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If you use multiple from statements, you get the cartesian product of all entities. If you want to preserve the relationships, use join instead:

Root<Price> price = cq.from(Price.class);
Join<Price,ItemMaster> itemMaster = price.join(Price_.itemMaster);
Join<ItemMaster, ItemCategory> itemCategory = itemMaster.join(ItemMaster_.category);

However it looks like at least the second join may be useless, because you are able to access the category property directly using the getter, isn't it?:

Price aPriceResult;
ItemCategory categoryResult = aPriceResult.getItemMaster().getCategory();
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