
I integrated doctrine-extensions in my project. Timestampable is working as example. But how to use the "Uploadable"-behavior?

I read this doc. They're writing in the usage-part about using $listener, but how do i get this variable? in my Controller or Service? Where does it come from?

thanks for any advice...

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Finally, got it...:

instead of:

'doctrine' => array(
    'eventmanager' => array(
        'orm_default' => array(
            'subscribers' => array(
   'driver' => array(
        // ...

use this: register the uploadable listener through the servicemanager:

    'doctrine' => array(
    'eventmanager' => array(
        'orm_default' => array(
            'subscribers' => array(
   'driver' => array(
        // ...
'service_manager' => array(
    'invokables' => array(
        'doctrine_extensions.uploadable'    => 'Gedmo\Uploadable\UploadableListener'

then in the controller as example, it works like this:

$uploadManager = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('doctrine_extensions.uploadable');
foreach($this->getRequest()->getFiles()->toArray() as $file) {
    $entity = new MyEntity();
    $uploadManager->addEntityFileInfo($entity, $file);

    // persist($entity) ...
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