
I'm following railscasts for jcrop but was wondering how do I have a dynamic model name in jquery if I have something like this:

update: (coords) =>

#user is based on user's model, but it was hard coded, but if I have other models with cropping, how do you make the id dynamic based on the model?


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andrewliu. I don't what about dynamic model mean. I talk about how to use another model name to use jcrop.

update: (coords) =>

The #user_crop_x is come from this form:

= form_for MODEL, url: CROP_URL, method: :patch, html:{id: "jcrop_form"} do |f|
  - %w[x y w h].each do |attribute|
    = f.hidden_field "crop_#{attribute}"
    = f.submit t(".crop"), class: 'btn btn-primary'

It will default generate many id in the hidden_field in rails's form_for. Just like #user_crop_x and #user_crop_y and so on.

The default id is a certain rule what is ##{model_name}_{attribute_name}, so if you have dynamic model and the best way is set the class name in the hidden_field. Example:

= f.hidden_field "crop_#{attribute}", class: "crop_class_#{attribute}"

And set the jQuery code like:

update: (coords) =>


If your coffeescript is rendered dynamically (ie in a view.js.erb file), then you can just use a shared variable like so:

users_controller: Assign a shared variable that you can use in your view, for example:

@user_name = User.find(1).name


update: (coords) =>
  $('#<%= @user_name %>_crop_x').val(coords.x)
  $('#<%= @user_name %>_crop_y').val(coords.y)
  $('#<%= @user_name %>_crop_w').val(coords.w)
  $('#<%= @user_name %>_crop_h').val(coords.h)
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