
In HTML the select tag has the required attribute that "Specifies that the user is required to select a value before submitting the form". read here

In Struts 1 the "html:select" tag doesn't have the attribute "required": read here

How can I specify that the user is required to select a value before submitting the form in Struts 1 for the select box?

<td class="insdataheader">
    <label for="initReqList[0].seqType">
         <bean:message bundle="XYZ" key="it.myproject.cbi2.disposals.v000104.model.MndtInitiationRequestV02.seqType"/>

<td class="insdatitxt_inserita_nowrap" align="left">
    <html:select property="initReqList[0].seqType" name="initReqList[0].seqType" styleId="initReqList[0].seqType" value="${dataEntryForm.initReqList[0].seqType}">
          <html-ext:keyOptionsCollection bundle="XYZ" name="dataEntryForm" property="initReqList[0].seqTypeOptions" label="keyBundle"value="key"  
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try something like this,javascript


            var elem = document.getElementsByName('initReqList[0].seqType')[0];

if need this in htmt tld than you have to edit html tld and have to add custom code to it and respective java class


Add the required property in the <html:select /> tag and you must have an empty option.


<html:select required="required" property="initReqList[0].seqType" name="initReqList[0].seqType" styleId="initReqList[0].seqType" value="${dataEntryForm.initReqList[0].seqType}">
    <html-ext:keyOptionsCollection bundle="XYZ" name="dataEntryForm" property="initReqList[0].seqTypeOptions" label="keyBundle"value="key"  

This works for me - Have the first value empty - required works on empty values.

<select required>
 <option value="">Please select</option>
 <option value="one">One</option>
 <option value="two">Two</option>

The required attribute is a boolean attribute. When specified, the user will be required to select a value before submitting the form.

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